Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Slayers Broast (deep fry) Cuckoos 5-2

Slayers allowed the first goal of the game scored by Brian Davies. Then the Slayers started to ramp it up and finished the game 5-2. Big night for Scott-the deke master-Simmons. He pounded in the first three goals and added a helper later in the game. Mike Davis recorded his first assist (helper) of the season by fetching the puck out from behind the Cuckoos goalie after Scott's 2nd goal and then handed the puck to referee John Gardner. Way to go Mike!

1)Goal Simmons
2)Goal Simmons
3)Goal Simmons
4)Goal Driver
5)Goal Tommy

I'll add the helpers tonight.

Slayers Record 4-2. The win moves them into 2nd place behind Fire Ice.

Goalies: Slayers-Dale, Birds-Peter


Anonymous said...

Good stuff, Slayers. We'll see you guys on Saturday. Can't wait!!!


Anonymous said...

Attention: Defense wanted. All interested applicants please apply to the Cheapskates Goaltending office. Thank you.

San Juan Slayers said...

Stoney, We'll see you Sunday. 6:45. There is talk of beers and BBQ post game. You and your crew are more than welcome. Not sure as to the location. Might just be parking lot or J-Bos. Cheers.


Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me. I'll bring the herbs.