Saturday, April 26, 2008

Slayers Look Strong Against Ranch Win 5-4

Slayers battled El Rancho Saturaday morning to a 5 to 4 win. Despite being up 5 to 1, and allowing the Ranch to get within one in the 3rd period, the Slayers move on in the playoffs. The Slayers play Fire on Ice Saturday night at 5:30.

Game Notes:

1) Brian
2) Will
3) Drew
4) Drew
5) Tommy (GW)

Helpers: Brian (2), Will, ?

Net: Dale for your San Juan Slayers. Eric for the Ranch
Refs: Kyle and Earl
Photos: Kev heading to the Arena, the ladies of the Slayer's MVP trophy, Tommy killin'the cutty (photo removed)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. "The ladies of the Slayers' MVP trophy"??? I don't know if I'd call any women who hang out with you scrubs "ladies."

Waiting in the championship-