Monday, May 4, 2009

Playoff Game #2 Slayers vs Nuts

Slayers controled the play, but allowed the sweaty Nuts to slip one past the goalie in the dying seconds of the game. Slayers loss 3-2 to the Cryoneers. As end-of-the-game handshakes commenced, each Nuts player was told, with conviction, they would see the Slayers again Tuesday and Wednesday for the Championship games. The Slayers play the Ranch next (see next post for outcome).

Rink Rumor: If the Slayers beat the Ranch to move on to the Championship games, players for the Nuts have stated the team will forfeit the game. Can Mackay and Altree keep the team from imploding? Will the Nuts book tee times Tuesday night instead of playing hockey? Will Justin finally catch a damn trout? We will have to see. F-N eh! Rock the bloody red!

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